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San Diego Egg Donation Options

Intended Parents Have a Variety of Options

As the potential recipient of an egg donation, you have several options for how to proceed with the donation process. Asian Egg Bank offers both fresh and frozen egg cycle donations. Most people choose to go with frozen eggs, but you can learn more about the pros and cons of each of these by visiting the Fresh vs Frozen Cycle page.

The other decision you will have to make as a hopeful parent is whether to go with an anonymous or direct donor:

  • Anonymous donors— These are donors who have volunteered to donate their eggs to an egg bank and offer their donation to anyone who is a match. While many donors choose to have their names and other personal identifying information hidden, you will still have access to our health assessments, which include medical history, mental health, and other factors that may be of interest to you. Many donors also choose to include pictures of themselves as children and adults.
  • Direct donors – You may have a friend or loved one that you deeply trust and is willing to donate an egg for you. These are called direct donations and usually allow the process to move forward much quicker. Provided your volunteer is a match, the egg retrieval process can be started as soon as possible.

If you would like to learn more about our donors visit the egg donor database. To inquire about using your own donor, contact us today.